Everything is Personal

How would you like to Live a Pain Free life? Yogi Aaron

Episode Summary

YOGI AARON is the creator of the revolutionary approach to yoga — Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™ (AYAMA), host of the yoga podcast ‘Stop Stretching’, author of ‘Autobiography of a Naked Yogi’ and the forth-coming book ‘Stop Stretching: Eliminate Pain. Transform Your Life. Fulfill Your Purpose, and Co-Owner of Blue Osa Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica — I’m here to help you tap into your greatest Self! He spent 30+ years studying the ancient teachings of yoga as well as modern and scientific practices that promote pain-free living on all levels of self — physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. His passion is in guiding people back home to their truest self, helping them tap into their limitless potential, eliminate their pain, and live their life’s purpose.